söndag 19 februari 2023

Albert Renger-Patzsch

Upptäckte fotografen Albert Renger-Patzsch på Louisianas utställning "Det Kolde Øje – Tyskland i 1920'erne". Där fanns bland annat bilden "Isolatorenkette".

Tycker mycket om dessa bilder: "Das Bäumchen" och "Buchenwald im herbst".

"Two fundamental postulates characterized the work that Renger-Patzsch produced throughout his career: great attention to detail, while highlighting the more formal, structural and material aspects of the objects photographed. These resources served to reaffirm the qualities that, for the photographer, afforded a privileged role to the photograph, insofar as the representation (and perception) of reality is concerned: realism, objectivity and neutrality. It is thus a simple, sober style, the product of a conception of the camera as a technical device capable of rigorously conveying the nature of things and strengthening our awareness of the same."

Observera: "/.../ strengthening our awareness of the same."